
Get Work-In-Progress Done!

Collaborate, manage projects, and reach new productivity levels. Make it all happen with WIPDash.

Define and visualize your process

  • Unlimited Boards: Create unlimited Kanban boards to help you visualize and manage any type of work and workflow in your organization.
  • Configurable Board Editor: Create and edit your boards on-the-fly with the click of a button.
  • Vertical Lanes: Add vertical lanes as needed to represent the process and steps to achieve your goals.
  • Horizontal Swimlanes: Horizontal swimlanes can be added within a lane or across the entire board to represent process variations for specific work types.

Plan and structure your work

  • Backlog Management: Use the backlog section of each board to plan and organize upcoming work.
  • Create, Edit and Move Cards: Use cards to represent work items and deliverables. Add new cards, edit existing ones, and easily drag and drop cards across the board to represent progress towards completion.
  • Card Types and Colors: Use a different set of card types on each board to represent different work categories (e.g., task, deliverable, issue). Associate each card type with a different color.
  • Descriptions and Hyperlinks: Add card descriptions to provide full work context and hyperlink to external resources as needed.

Track and visually manage your work

  • Calendar and Gantt Views: Set the dates by which each work item should be started and/or completed and visualize in a calendar or gantt view
  • Groups and Teams Assignment: Designate multiple team members to work on a card. Upload avatars to visually represent each team member assigned to the card.
  • Card Priority and Complexity: Use the card priority and complexity fields to capture the importance and estimated amount of work associated with a card.
  • Dependencies and Blockers: Visually communicate if a work item is currently blocked and the reason why. The reason for unblocking a card can also be captured.

Integrate with your existing applications

  • Slack integration: post events and information automatically to keep your team members and extended groups up to date
  • MatterMost integration: post events and information automatically to keep your team members and extended groups up to date
  • Integrate everything using the API: use full access to WIPDash events and data for more integration needs, in a flexible and loosely coupled way.

Analyse and improve on your data

  • Lead and Cycle Time: Understand how long it takes to complete each work item, and determine where work is slowing down in your process.
  • Work distribution: Understand the distribution of work by team member, process step, type of work, the priority level of each work type and by a specific work type attribute.
  • Process efficiency: Measure when work in queue grows as a percentage of total work in progress (WIP). Determine where work is likely stuck in a queue and also investigate what can be done to get work flowing again.
  • Advanced analytics: Access your WIPDash data in your business intelligence tool of choice to meet your organization’s unique reporting needs.